Homework is sent home on Monday and is due back Friday. Homework consists of:
- Spelling Words
- Dictation Sentences
- High Frequency Words (HFWs)
- Vocabulary, and
- AR Reading (Accelerated Reader)
It sounded easy, then we were informed the students are to read two books a day and accumulate eight AR tests a week by Friday morning. This may or may not be a challenge for us. It is yet to be determined. Last year first grade students were supposed to read a book three times before they were allowed to take an AR test. As second grade students, they can read a book once and take a test. Students are to read for comprehension. We might have to read a book twice just to make sure.
Wondering what our first homework looks like, well here it is. It's blurry but I think it's more important to display it than to get an awesome photo and display it some time in the distant future, which may or may not come.
Mon: Write spelling words 3 times each. Math page 27.
Tue: Write spelling words 2 times each. Highlight or circle the vowels. Math page 28.
Wed: Put the 1st 10 spelling words in ABC order. Math page 29.
Thu: Take a practice spelling test and work on problem words. Math page 30.
In addition, each day practice Dictation Sentences, High Frequency Words, Vocabulary Words, and read 20 minutes.
Since this is the first week of homework I decided to help by creating some worksheets to guide him. These are the worksheets I created for each day of the week:
Monday's worksheet
Tuesday's Worksheet
Wednesday's worksheet
Thursday's Worksheet
Reading Log